Again. Everything was in tune, bouncing to the beat. Then everything went blank. In a matter of minutes.
Currently, my brain is not accepting any input. It needs to be shocked back to life. Defibrillator anyone?
Again. Everything was in tune, bouncing to the beat. Then everything went blank. In a matter of minutes.
Currently, my brain is not accepting any input. It needs to be shocked back to life. Defibrillator anyone?
However, this time I won’t give you a gross picture. Let’s just say I didn’t think my throat could look worse – […]
As a child I had a fear that I would end up in a hospital needing an operation. And, that at the […]
After is a bit of a misnomer in this picture, this is really a “during”, because there’s still much work to be […]
That’s the question I ask every time I pass the Transamerica Building. I’m always on foot when I pass it, so it’s […]