You must have a good camera!

January 31, 2008

I just love it when people look at my work and that is the first (or second) line out of their mouth. As if my camera jumped out of my hand, ran back down the street, centered the scene perfectly, focused and snapped the shot, noting that it didn’t need a flash to get the best lighting.

My hubbie once said this about a friend, but after some thought (I said nothing, neither did his friend) he came to the conclusion that maybe there has to be a smidgen of talent at least to get the camera to produce a nice picture.

And for the record, I do have a nice camera 🙂 I also have some others that might not be qualified as nice, but will produce some fantastic results if it’s the effect you’re looking for. Because in the end, the camera is just a tool that the entire world has access to, just like paint, pastels, pens, and clay.


The sunshine is back

January 30, 2008

I’m feeling better already. The rain had me down, but was good for productivity. Now if I can just get my long days back, I’ll be in good shape.


You can now buy my prints at Etsy!

January 28, 2008

After many years of procrastination I have finally taken the first step toward getting an online shop up on this site. I’ve listed my photos on Etsy because it’s easier than building my own storefront (at least for now), plus I get a lot of extra eyeballs, and you get to peruse others handiwork. I only have a couple of series uploaded for now, so if you see something on this site you would like to buy and it’s not there, let me know and I’ll list it.

So this means now, when you click the shop link above, you no longer see a “Coming Soon” notice 😀 And the Madd Hatter’s home page has been updated too. Oh happy day!

So pop on over to the Madd Hatter’s Lab shop on Etsy and check it out. Heck, throw caution to the wind and buy something even!


I forget.

January 25, 2008

My brain is mush. I don’t remember anything anymore. I don’t think this is a result of getting older, though, as I’m sure my parents or grandparents will tell me. I think it’s a result of the internet and easy accessibility to information. It’s because when we drive by a funny business sign in San Francisco, and try to remember it one block later, I think, “Oh, we can just look that up later.” We did, and I still don’t remember what it was, other than a strip club with a funny name up the street from City Lights bookstore.

I see the same with my photos. Once upon a time I made sure to either note everything or just mentally stash away the info. Now I comb wikipedia and take a look at the photos surrounding to determine where I was and what else I was looking at. Such as the above, “Oh, Pantheon, Raphael’s Tomb, Madonna of the Rock”.


You Are Getting Very Sleeeeepy

January 17, 2008

Baby Bear’s Bedroom, from Postcards from Another Reality

I haven’t slept well in days and it’s finally catching up with me. I have plenty of stuff to write and talk about here, but I’m so damn drained I just can’t right now. By the time I sleep, it will have all slipped away – but maybe I will have some good dreams to share at that point.

It’s nappy time now… zzzzzzzz