I’m still sick.

October 31, 2005

However, this time I won’t give you a gross picture. Let’s just say I didn’t think my throat could look worse – oh how very, very wrong I was. My body has been sapped of all energy. The overuse of Tylenol PM has taken away the great buzz followed by sleep that I’m used to getting when I swallow those two little blue pills. The house is littered with tissues, empty drug bottles, and glasses and cups with 3/4 of the drink still in them. And the inbox is 98 messages full – and that’s 98 messages I need to act on, not 98 messages I can just delete. Make that 99 now.



My ode to Post Secret.

October 30, 2005

Only, I guess now, it’s not so secret. *Shrug*


I’m sick.

October 28, 2005

I don’t like being sick. As a kid it was all fun and games. I got to stay home, watch cartoons, my mom babied me. I would call my aunt and tell her I was sick, and she would bring me toys, usually the latest Care Bear that wasn’t out yet for everyone else, but she’d dig through the stock in the back of KMart and get exactly what I wanted. The medicine tasted a lot better too. Remember that pink antibiotic stuff? That was tasty. I loved the baby tylenol too.

Being sick now means falling behind in work. Being sick now means stress. Being sick now means when I get better I’ll have to wash all of the sheets and sweatshirts and tshirts when I get better, because I’ve tried to sweat out my fever for two or three days. The only thing better now then before is my doctor. The one I had as a kid had black hair and a mustache and an evil nurse. The one I have now makes me feel like a kid again; “Look at the birdie! Look at the birdie!” Anything to keep my mind off the fact that I feel bad and always something that at least makes me crack a smile.


Looks like I’m a bit scared of getting close to Canada

October 27, 2005

create your own visited states map.


Ninja squirrel meets hunter dog.

October 26, 2005

I wish I really had a picture of what happened today. Unfortunately I don’t, so Milo chewing on his toy squirrels will have to suffice.

I took Milo for a walk today and as we approached the other side of the complex, a squirrel ran up a small tree. Milo heard it, saw it, smelled it. He was locked in and not going anywhere.

I could see the squirrels thought process – probably because it’s very similar to mine (meaning my thought process is usually very transparent to others). Look up, look over, look around. Oh shit, I’ve got nowhere to go. So, instead of scurrying to the top of the tree, he goes into squirrel warning mode. He starts making a chirping noise, which is what the toy squirrels do (amazing). This drives Milo nuts. He paces, trying to find a way to get into the tree. He looks at me like, “Come on lady. Knock that damn squirrel out of the tree so I can kill it. You’ve got to be good for something.”

The squirrel decides we’re not budging, so he continues the chirping noise and stands up on his hind legs. This is the funny part where I wish I had a picture. He grabs the tiny twig/branch in front of him with his two front paws, grasping it crosswise against his body like it’s his fighting stick. Priceless.

So, Milo didn’t catch the squirrel. We eventually walked away (my doing, not Milo’s). The squirrel lives to see another day.